QUALITY POLICY:We realize that Quality is the responsibility of all personnel, and therefore will promote a Quality Culture within the organization by means of sharing information, including personnel in decision making and delegating specic Quality  Management functions, e.g. Quality System maintenance, to suitably skilled and competent persons.

Where deciencies are found, related to the operation of the QMS, corrective and preventative action will be taken to ensure continual improvement of TP policies and procedures. The Quality system has the full commitment of Management.

A quality system has been established to provide an eective means of ensuring that the services and products provided by PETROCAT are in accordance with the client’s specications. The quality system emphasizes problem prevention rather than remedy after a problem has occurred. The project quality manual, plan and associated works procedures and instructions comprise the project quality system.

Our continual operation of quality improvement through the quality cycle PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT and other quality fundamentals such as Total Quality Management System (TQM) and Six Sigma’s PETROCAT enjoyed a n esteemed reputation on construction eld.

PETROCAT believes that the employees development is an important activity in the business practice; so a continues training plan is prepared and implemented yearly which clearly reected in our daily operation; our plans extended over the training by providing more motivations related to employee social environment .